
Bellow you will find a list of authors, both published and published, with links to their blogs. If you would like to support writers in their en devours as they travel through the realm of publication, the blogs below are at your disposal.

See Heather Write 
* Eternal Moonshine of a Daydreaming Mind *
A BookLover's Diary - 
Alissa Grosso
All I'm Saying... 
Anne Osterlund
Anything Imaginable
Babbling Flow
Beth Revis 
Between Fact and Fiction 
bookish bride 
Boys that Bite 
By the sea 
Carrie Harris
Chasing Empty Pavements
Christ is Write - Tessa Emily Hall 
ChristaCarol Jones 
Constant Revision 
Constantly Risking Absurdity 
Courtney Reese
Craziness Appreciation Society
Don't pet me, I'm writing 
Dreaming Secrets 
First Novels Club 
Frankie Diane Mallis 
Friday the Thirteeners 
Good To Begin Well, Better To End Well 
Hannah Moskowitz 
Here's Me Using the Word Blog in a Sentence 
Highly Active Imagination 
In Search of Giants
in which a girl reads 
ink slingers 
Jade hears voices 
Jay Asher 
Jenni James 
Jill Wheeler 
Kat Loves Books
Kiersten Writes 
Le Cordon Q 
Library Lounge Lizard 
Life's Little Adventures
lightning + lightning bugs
Lisa and Laura Write
little pieces of me;
Market My Words
Myra McEntire
Nathan Bransford, Author 
Notes from the Nerdette 
Novels During Naptime 
Only Sexy Books Allowed 
Pimp My Novel 
Portia Sisco
Rachel Bateman | Blah-g
Ramblings of a Writer
Random Thoughts
Renee Collins 
Romancing the blog . . . Fun-Writin... 
Samantha Verant 
Seriously Amber Lynae 
Shannon Messenger 
Sherrinda Ketch 
Shooting Stars 
Some Things I Think...
Steph Bowe's Hey! Teenager of the Year
Storyqueen's Storycastle
Sweets and Scribbles
The Blogger Girlz
The Guardian Writer 
The Literati Read... 
The Michelle Show 
The Ocean under Stars
The Reign of Ellen
The Word is My Oyster
The World According to Maggie
The Writing Ninja
Veronica Roth
VR Barkowski 
Where Romance Meets Therapy 
Words, etc. 
Write On Con
Writing in the Wilderness 

YA Author Elana Johnson
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Princess Bookie♥♥♥♥♥♥♥